Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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Chapter 3 Exam

Chapter 3 Exam

Q • Points 25 • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload • File Types doc, docx, rtf, and pdf "Create Your Own" Quiz Directions (1) Rather than completing a prepared quiz as a review of Chapter 3, please create your own 25-question, multiple-choice quiz. (2) Write the question using a multiple-choice format but list only the correct answer (don't list any alternative options). (3) Create quiz questions you believe are a good review of the material. (6) Submit a minimum of five (5) questions that assess higher learning (e.g., use a scenario or example that asks the learner to identify the correct concept rather than just asking for a definition). For example, Aunt Sally, age 50, is experiencing "hot flashes", decreased estrogen production, and fatigue. Which of the following health issues could she have? Answer: Menopause (7) Submit your quiz as an attached electronic file in Microsoft Word. Each accurate and completed question is worth 1 point. Rubric "Create Your Own" Exam Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuiz questions demonstrate critical-thinking, comprehensiveness, and accuracy of the material 25 pts Meets criterion; work fully meets the criterion as specified in the directions 14 pts Meets criterion; work partially meets the criterion as specified in the directions 0 pts Does not meet criterion; work is inaccurate 25 pts Total Points: 25 "Create Your Own" Exam

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1. The term ________ refers to stimuli that are below the level of conscious awareness. a.) subliminal stimuli 2. The ________ is the lowest level of stimulation that a person can consciously detect 50 percent of the time the stimulation is present. c.) absolute threshold 3. The tendency of the brain to stop attending to constant, unchanging information is known as ________. d.) habituation 4. The process of converting outside stimuli into neural activity is called ________. d.) transduction 5. The three aspects to perception of light are brightness, color, and ________. c.) saturation